
Congratulations to one of our supportive customer who got amazing growth on her ZZ plant using GreenGift’s Lacto-Humus Plant Enhancer

Facebook | Congratulations to one of our supportive customers who uses GreenGift's Lacto-Humus Plant Enhancer with amazing growth on her ZZ plant.

Despite feeding various types of fertilizer to her ZZ Plant, it still experiencing stunt growth for the past 8 months.

Finally, after she fed ONE Dose of Lacto-Humus Plant Enhancer weeks ago, the once-stunt-growth plant reacted and starts growing many new shoots as shown in the picture.

It has consistently shown the efficacy of Lacto-Humus Plant Enhancer that help stagnant plant come back to life, to be more healthier after feeding this amazing product.

Happy plant Happy Gardener.

GreenGift Lacto-Humus Plant Enhancer has repeatedly proven its efficacy & effectiveness in plant growth. With the help of beneficial probiotic microbes, the overall plant immunity can be strengthened within weeks. It helps to re-align the energy for the plant to grow strong & resilience against potential insects attack. Note that Lacto-Humus Plant Enhancer is not an insecticides.

If you are troubled by your existing plant health to grow well despite given lots of care, fertilizer & sunshine, this will be your answer :

☆> ꧁ Lacto-Humus Plant Enhancer ꧂ <☆

Wait no longer, order yours today at our Shopee link below, while stock lasts. It is available in bottle of 250ml, 500ml and 1000ml. The application details, dilution ratio and feeding interval, are all listed on the label and as shown in this post

Be awed with the results of the beneficial microbial effect!

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